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Travelers insurance

Senior UX Designer

Helping build, test and launch new innovative solutions


As senior User Experience Specialist in the Enterprise Innovation office, I bring UX and design expertise to help solve key business problems by collaborating with innovation strategists, engineers, business leaders, and key stakeholders across the enterprise. I have coached and worked with 3 teams with unique business problems through an accelerator program that rapidly tests and learns with users.

💻  I formed part of the founding team for a project that won first place at our 2021 company hackathon and was selected to present our MVP to our CEO at a company-wide televised meeting.
🚀  The project received further sponsorship and is moving towards a pilot launch.

Initiatives I Work On

Accelerator Program

As a UX coach, I help lead teams through a 12-week design-thinking process that helps validate or invalidate internal process improvement ideas.

What I do:




Other Works

Internal 2-Factor Authentication Site

Time: February 2022
Role: Lead UX Designer
Tools: Figma

Creating a new internal 2-factor authentication site to be used across the organization. Collaborated with developers, security experts, and internal stakeholders to create, design, and launch the site.

Travelers Event Hub

Time: March 2021 - Present
Role: UX Designer
Tools: Figma, Sketch

Collaborating with developers, product owners on maintaining an internal event hosting site by creating visual designs, enhancing user experience, and testing for usability.

*Please note Travelers proprietary design information is being withheld.